If marriage is an award then my thank yous would be...
First of all I want to thank GOD for this wonderful opportunity. I could never make it without You.
Then my lovely mom and dad...thank you for always being there for me. I know I could be a b*tch sometimes but I still love you...both of you.
My little sister...thank you for always opening the doors at night...now I won't bother your late night internet surfing time again...
My in laws...mba uty thank you for always accompanying me to go here and there..thank you for the prayers and support you've given to me..Mr & Mrs Bambang Priadi...thanks for all the support and thank you letting me become a part of your family...
My gals...Cing, Rumi, Bonde & Dan thanks for all the "how to-s" "what abouts" "what if-s" I've been questioning to you guys. Thank you for your time darlings!!!
Tes, Pil Jok...thanks for all the late night calls..the "uh oh" and the "what the...?!?!?"
Bu, Tanc, Win...thank you for the GNO-s the chitty chat, the have fun go mad thingy...
Pit, Ingks, Chil, Nens, & Tis...thanks a bunch for all of the support you've been given to me...!!!
To The Other Bride...Bolb...thank you for always asking how's the progress...and always support me. You'll be a great wife and mom one day dearie!! *kissess*
To the only guy...Ilham. thank you much for always be there for me when he's not around. You'll always be my other boyfriend *smooches*
Ahh...thank you guys!! love you all more than ever!!!
My elementary, junior high & high school fellas...specially kanti, prita, bete, tw, dessy...thank you for everything!!
The Kom UI team
antha, budi, sasha, putri, mphie, muning...can't thank you much!!!
My co workers...
My long lost mate Loku...soon it'll be your turn!! hahaha :P thank you for always listen to all of my complaints :P
My dear partner Carryn...so soon it'll be your turn ey? heheheheh just kidding daghling!!
Mas Didit, Berty, Edu, Tian, Patrick, Windie, Mell...what can I say...thank you!!!!!
Tante Dilla, Mba Andra, Ririn, Dita, Nimmie...thank you guys for sharing..won't make it without you!!
My *turns out* big family... the Soerjadibratas, Soelaimans, and all my relatives in Karawang, Bandung, and Jakarta...thank you...thank you...thank you!!!
anye, lia, dila...thanks guys!!! thank much!!
to all the other people who's involve in this BIG thing...I cannot say anything rather than thank you...thank you...thank you...
God Speed...
*hugs and smooches*

P.S: ooppss...almost forgot to thank Joko & Mas Awal for willing to give their time to took some lovely pic for my big day :) *lotsalove*