Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Wedding In A Storyline Part.2

She hold her tears from falling, with her soft voice she asked his father to marry her with the man of her choice. Her hands were shaking, she feel sad and excited at the same time.
Then the moment came...he said the Ijab Kabul without any difficulties. Then her walls were breaking...her tears started to fall one by one. It's the tears of joy so she said and now their husband and wives. :)

I just swear that I always be there

I give anything and everything

And I will always care

Through weakness and strength

Happiness and sorrow
For better for worse

I will love you
With every beat of my heart

Shania Twain - From This Moment


  1. Miechaaan... gw merinding... may u guys live happily ever after yaa :)

  2. huaaaaa...rizky mellissaaaaaaa....hehehehehe
    amiinn amiinn...tengkiuw ya meel!! :D:D:D
