Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm on a high...

Saturday means FUN day...!!! And for this usual I go to Kemang to watch my bf play futsal with his office mate. We weren't planning to drop by anywhere so I decided to wear something casual. So I grab my pink tees and my high waist short pants which I bought recently at xsml. Thus...because it's kinda cold outside...I decided to wear my puffy grey cardigan to complete my look. I know...I should wear some accesories also. Yet I just to lazy to put on anything since I'm not going anywhere either haha...!

More or less...this is what I look like today...

I took this pic using my nokia forgive me for the not-so-good quality...




  1. i wanna see the shoes, hee hee ^^

  2. i don't wear any...hahahahaa seriously...i don't wear shoes today... xP
