Monday, November 1, 2010
She was left in the dark when she was still a child and she stays in the dark ever since. She never know the sun, she never know how does it feel like to be warm, she never gaze the moon nor even the stars.
Darkness is all she feels...she see...she breathe...she believes.
Darkness is all she knows.
Darkness is all she feels...she see...she breathe...she believes.
Darkness is all she knows.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Morning Shock
I woke up in an unfamiliar room, with an unfamiliar bed sheet. Felt dizzy and confused, I try to get up. I turn my body to the left and my heart jumps! "Who is he??" my unconscious self says. Slowly I walk towards the bedroom door, slowly open it up hoping to find my mom sitting in the kitchen. But nobody's there.
"Wait a minute!" my head said... "This is not my kitchen...this is not my living room...this is not my house!!" I'm shocked. I'm about to cry...when the man walks out the room, hug and kiss me. "Good morning wifey!" he said. Hear those words make my lazy brains start to work. Oh GOD...I'm married!!!
"Wait a minute!" my head said... "This is not my kitchen...this is not my living room...this is not my house!!" I'm shocked. I'm about to cry...when the man walks out the room, hug and kiss me. "Good morning wifey!" he said. Hear those words make my lazy brains start to work. Oh GOD...I'm married!!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
My Wedding In A Storyline Part.2
She hold her tears from falling, with her soft voice she asked his father to marry her with the man of her choice. Her hands were shaking, she feel sad and excited at the same time.
Then the moment came...he said the Ijab Kabul without any difficulties. Then her walls were breaking...her tears started to fall one by one. It's the tears of joy so she said and now their husband and wives. :)

I just swear that I always be there
I give anything and everything
And I will always care
Through weakness and strength
Happiness and sorrow
For better for worse
I will love you
With every beat of my heart
Shania Twain - From This Moment
Then the moment came...he said the Ijab Kabul without any difficulties. Then her walls were breaking...her tears started to fall one by one. It's the tears of joy so she said and now their husband and wives. :)
I just swear that I always be there
I give anything and everything
And I will always care
Through weakness and strength
Happiness and sorrow
For better for worse
I will love you
With every beat of my heart
Shania Twain - From This Moment
Friday, July 30, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
c'est la vie
If we got a second chance on anything...what would you do?
At first...I want to fix some of my past...wait tons of thing from my past *haha* but then one of my colleague wrote this on her twitter
"There are times when you need to do a mistake more than once before you can actually learn something."
Though ppl says that only a donkey can fall into the same hole twice yet the fact is sometimes we need to fall 3 or 4 times more to actually learn something from your mistakes. Because c'est la vie! That's life! There's no such thing as perfect. What you do is you learn from your mistakes to learn and to do something better.
So my friend's says...
go out, have fun, screw'll get in trouble anyway so why not just enjoy the process?

picture taken from here
At first...I want to fix some of my past...wait tons of thing from my past *haha* but then one of my colleague wrote this on her twitter
"There are times when you need to do a mistake more than once before you can actually learn something."
Though ppl says that only a donkey can fall into the same hole twice yet the fact is sometimes we need to fall 3 or 4 times more to actually learn something from your mistakes. Because c'est la vie! That's life! There's no such thing as perfect. What you do is you learn from your mistakes to learn and to do something better.
So my friend's says...
go out, have fun, screw'll get in trouble anyway so why not just enjoy the process?

picture taken from here
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
25 years
He was 25 when he met her and he falls in love with her instantly.
He offers her love, compassion, affection...
more than he can even imagine
he even offers her his life...
he promise to always take a good care of her
and never to make her suffer
or even drop a single tear out of her eyes...
she only replies it with a smile...but for means a lot
25 years from now
his love to her grows even more
Sadly she decide to go own her own way
his hear was shattered knowing that the love of his lovewant to go on separate ways
Day and night he cried...
trying so hard to cope with the destiny
yet he just can't accept it
One night...between his tears...she came knocking into his door.
She hugs him, wipe the tears out of his eyes and says...
"I know that you're sad...but you have to let me go."
He hugs him...kiss her forehead and says...
"I know my love...I know. Is he a good man? Does he love you? Can he take a good care of you? If all of the answer is yes...then you have my blessing have my blessing to marry him, the man of your choice."
She cries and hugs him.
"Oh Daddy...don't cry!! You know I'll never leave you like that! I'll call you every day!! And you know that I'll always stays right your heart. I love you Daddy!"
He offers her love, compassion, affection...
more than he can even imagine
he even offers her his life...
he promise to always take a good care of her
and never to make her suffer
or even drop a single tear out of her eyes...
she only replies it with a smile...but for means a lot
25 years from now
his love to her grows even more
Sadly she decide to go own her own way
his hear was shattered knowing that the love of his lovewant to go on separate ways
Day and night he cried...
trying so hard to cope with the destiny
yet he just can't accept it
One night...between his tears...she came knocking into his door.
She hugs him, wipe the tears out of his eyes and says...
"I know that you're sad...but you have to let me go."
He hugs him...kiss her forehead and says...
"I know my love...I know. Is he a good man? Does he love you? Can he take a good care of you? If all of the answer is yes...then you have my blessing have my blessing to marry him, the man of your choice."
She cries and hugs him.
"Oh Daddy...don't cry!! You know I'll never leave you like that! I'll call you every day!! And you know that I'll always stays right your heart. I love you Daddy!"

What I Want It To Be...
In a few weeks from now...I shall enter one of the greatest journey of all. All I ever wanted was for it to be last forever and also full of understanding.
I want us to always love each other until our children have their own children...until we grow old and loose our beautiful faces...
More or less...I want to be just like love each other until death do us a part. *amen*
I want us to always love each other until our children have their own children...until we grow old and loose our beautiful faces...
More or less...I want to be just like love each other until death do us a part. *amen*
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
my marriage in a storyline part.1
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Award
If marriage is an award then my thank yous would be...
First of all I want to thank GOD for this wonderful opportunity. I could never make it without You.
Then my lovely mom and dad...thank you for always being there for me. I know I could be a b*tch sometimes but I still love you...both of you.
My little sister...thank you for always opening the doors at I won't bother your late night internet surfing time again...
My in uty thank you for always accompanying me to go here and there..thank you for the prayers and support you've given to me..Mr & Mrs Bambang Priadi...thanks for all the support and thank you letting me become a part of your family...
My gals...Cing, Rumi, Bonde & Dan thanks for all the "how to-s" "what abouts" "what if-s" I've been questioning to you guys. Thank you for your time darlings!!!
Tes, Pil Jok...thanks for all the late night calls..the "uh oh" and the "what the...?!?!?"
Bu, Tanc, Win...thank you for the GNO-s the chitty chat, the have fun go mad thingy...
Pit, Ingks, Chil, Nens, & Tis...thanks a bunch for all of the support you've been given to me...!!!
To The Other Bride...Bolb...thank you for always asking how's the progress...and always support me. You'll be a great wife and mom one day dearie!! *kissess*
To the only guy...Ilham. thank you much for always be there for me when he's not around. You'll always be my other boyfriend *smooches*
Ahh...thank you guys!! love you all more than ever!!!
My elementary, junior high & high school fellas...specially kanti, prita, bete, tw, dessy...thank you for everything!!
The Kom UI team
antha, budi, sasha, putri, mphie, muning...can't thank you much!!!
My co workers...
My long lost mate Loku...soon it'll be your turn!! hahaha :P thank you for always listen to all of my complaints :P
My dear partner soon it'll be your turn ey? heheheheh just kidding daghling!!
Mas Didit, Berty, Edu, Tian, Patrick, Windie, Mell...what can I say...thank you!!!!!
Tante Dilla, Mba Andra, Ririn, Dita, Nimmie...thank you guys for sharing..won't make it without you!!
My *turns out* big family... the Soerjadibratas, Soelaimans, and all my relatives in Karawang, Bandung, and Jakarta...thank you...thank you...thank you!!!
anye, lia, dila...thanks guys!!! thank much!!
to all the other people who's involve in this BIG thing...I cannot say anything rather than thank you...thank you...thank you...
God Speed...
*hugs and smooches*
P.S: ooppss...almost forgot to thank Joko & Mas Awal for willing to give their time to took some lovely pic for my big day :) *lotsalove*
Monday, May 31, 2010
this is not a fairytale
They knew each other since they were little.
She was his guardian angel, he was her knight of armor.
Years after they decided to elope and tie the knot forever.
And just like the fairy tale they live happily ever after or so they think.
Thus they is not a fairy tale.
One day she decided to come home to the place where she belongs
The leaves him behind, "It's not your time" she said
and so she left
and leave a hole in his heart
"So long my love..." he said
"...for I won't ever say goodbye to you...but I'll say til we meet again..."
She was his guardian angel, he was her knight of armor.
Years after they decided to elope and tie the knot forever.
And just like the fairy tale they live happily ever after or so they think.
Thus they is not a fairy tale.
One day she decided to come home to the place where she belongs
The leaves him behind, "It's not your time" she said
and so she left
and leave a hole in his heart
"So long my love..." he said
"...for I won't ever say goodbye to you...but I'll say til we meet again..."
amie '10
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Random Stuff
Today...finally I've found what my goal in life is. It's very simple yet hard...well what the hell I know I'm gonna make it one day. Oh dear God...all I really want is not being a slave for money...I don't want to think about it again one day... :)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Oh my dear Mr Tuesday
So long oh dear Mr Tuesday!!
You've been so dear to me today...
I'm gonna miss you when you're away
Oh dear Mr Tuesday...
I wish we could spend some more time
So we can know each other more
Than we have before...
Oh my Mr Tuesday...
why it's so hard for me to say goodbye?
though I know we shall meet again sometime
Oh dear...
what have you done to me Mr Tuesday??
My dear Mr Tuesday...
The time has almost come
Forget me not...
Cause I will always remember you
here in my heart...
You've been so dear to me today...
I'm gonna miss you when you're away
Oh dear Mr Tuesday...
I wish we could spend some more time
So we can know each other more
Than we have before...
Oh my Mr Tuesday...
why it's so hard for me to say goodbye?
though I know we shall meet again sometime
Oh dear...
what have you done to me Mr Tuesday??
My dear Mr Tuesday...
The time has almost come
Forget me not...
Cause I will always remember you
here in my heart...
the unpublished stories part.1
We wrote this story to be proposed as a Cinema Ad to my dear clients...yet they choose not to produce it. *sob* Therefore I decide to share these stories with you...enjoy. :)
Dinda and Tito met when they both turn 25. They become inseparable ever since. Years and years gone by...and now they decided to get married. Dinda got pregnant just a year after and then little Keisha was born.
One beautiful morning...Dinda wake up early, she go downstairs to do her chores when suddenly her mobile rings. She pick it up just by the time Tito came downstairs and give her a morning kiss. Her face turns pale...yet she still try her best to smile. She kiss him back and said...
Dinda: "Honey...I have to husband just got back from Europe..."
story courtesy of carryn_amie_patrick
image courtesy of photolibrary
Dinda and Tito met when they both turn 25. They become inseparable ever since. Years and years gone by...and now they decided to get married. Dinda got pregnant just a year after and then little Keisha was born.
One beautiful morning...Dinda wake up early, she go downstairs to do her chores when suddenly her mobile rings. She pick it up just by the time Tito came downstairs and give her a morning kiss. Her face turns pale...yet she still try her best to smile. She kiss him back and said...
Dinda: "Honey...I have to husband just got back from Europe..."

image courtesy of photolibrary
Monday, March 29, 2010
What I Never Knew
Dear Mom & Dad...
I never knew that we have such a BIG family!! first we never do that thing called arisan keluarga and secondly...we hardly had that so called family reunion. Then suddenly ta..da...they just show up like *poof* then I realize how BIG our family was.
thanks a bunch for the SURPRISES...oh dear BIG family..

image taken from here
I never knew that we have such a BIG family!! first we never do that thing called arisan keluarga and secondly...we hardly had that so called family reunion. Then suddenly ta..da...they just show up like *poof* then I realize how BIG our family was.
thanks a bunch for the SURPRISES...oh dear BIG family..

image taken from here
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
she vs he
"his prestige is just way to high!" she said
"she has a high prestige in everything!" he said
"he doesn't understand me!" she said
"she just doesn't understand!" he said
"I just want him to be in my shoes!" she said
"I'm a boy...I'm not the one who have to say sorry to her...!" he said
"I think this is it.." she said
"I can find another girl..." she said
funny how there always be a two side of the story
"she has a high prestige in everything!" he said
"he doesn't understand me!" she said
"she just doesn't understand!" he said
"I just want him to be in my shoes!" she said
"I'm a boy...I'm not the one who have to say sorry to her...!" he said
"I think this is it.." she said
"I can find another girl..." she said
funny how there always be a two side of the story
Monday, March 1, 2010
Daily Dose
Been off for a while and now I decided to write again.'s been a hell of days lately. Been dealing with deadlines, new clients, meeting new people (who makes me laugh almost all the time :D), and also preparing this new thing called wedding.
....wait???!?!?! Wedding?!?!?!.... I'm getting married ^^
Many people asked me..."Are you sure? You're still so young..." Well...all I can think of is...why do I have to wait? Life won't wait right? I know I'm not that old indeed (24!!! :D) yet...I'm not that young also. Soon I have to face the so called middle age crisis. Soon I have to face the so called age 30. So...why do I have to wait?
Well...I realize that getting married is not an easy thing to do. So many responsibilities I have to face, so many problem I have to face....yet I believe there will be lots and lots of blessings and also tons of happiness and plenty unbelievable things will be happen in my life later :)
Scared? I'd be lying if I say that I'm not. But I feel so relief knowing that we'll be facing this new face of life...together.

wish us luck :)
image courtesy of photolibrary
....wait???!?!?! Wedding?!?!?!.... I'm getting married ^^
Many people asked me..."Are you sure? You're still so young..." Well...all I can think of is...why do I have to wait? Life won't wait right? I know I'm not that old indeed (24!!! :D) yet...I'm not that young also. Soon I have to face the so called middle age crisis. Soon I have to face the so called age 30. So...why do I have to wait?
Well...I realize that getting married is not an easy thing to do. So many responsibilities I have to face, so many problem I have to face....yet I believe there will be lots and lots of blessings and also tons of happiness and plenty unbelievable things will be happen in my life later :)
Scared? I'd be lying if I say that I'm not. But I feel so relief knowing that we'll be facing this new face of life...together.

wish us luck :)
image courtesy of photolibrary
Thursday, February 18, 2010
the secret
I believe that mind has its own role on helping us to achieve something.
I believe that we're all able to write our own destiny
I believe that everything is possible if we're willing to try...
I believe that we're all able to write our own destiny
I believe that everything is possible if we're willing to try...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The first day of 2010
It was a few minutes after midnight and I’m still in a very bad mood due to my missing atm card. Feeling anxious, I asked him to accompany me to walk on the beach hoping the sea breeze can comfort me.
We walk while I drowned into my bad mood. We stop, I hug him and listen to him trying to comfort me. Then he said “I want to tell you something” while grab something from his pocket, which turns out to be a little red velvet box. He opened it and inside there’s a ring. Suprised, I then turned speechless. Suddenly he said “I love you so much…will you marry me?”
My heart jumps, I smile and then without any doubt I said YES.
“Hope it can make you happy…” he said. Well darling I feel very very very very very happy to hear those words from you.
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