Monday, June 22, 2015

Another 1st Birthday

akkk sebenernya udah dr pas bocahnya ultah kmarin mau update blognya. Tapi apa daya..ada aja kerempongan emak2 yang jadi halangan (baca: jadi gak mood bin males :P).
anyway..tanggal 19 april kemarin bocil #2 ulang tahun yang pertama *yeaayyy*. gak ada acara macem2..cuma tiup lilin sama pas sore2nya eyang2ny minta ngumpul di rumah sekalian makan malam. buat tiup lilinny saya sengaja bikin cake ubi ungu sekalian ngabisin puree ubi ungu di freezer. Alhamdulillah semuanya suka 

Di umurnya yang setahun ini bocilnya udah biasa makan nasi, well mungkin ini efek emaknya sangat ambisius dalam hal naik tekstur. Malah dari awal mulai mpasi makanany kebanyakan dihalusin cuma pakai garpu jadi cenderung bertekstur. Yah..males sama ambisius emang beda tipis ya hihihi. Lalu jalannya juga makin lancar even masih harus dititah. Tp Alhamdulillah di usia 13 bulan akhirnya si bocil mulai pede dan mulai deh jalan sana sini sendirian.
Sekarang pas nulis ini bocahnya ud 14 bulan. Udah makin banyak tingkah dan emaknya ud makin pegel ngejagainnya. But the positive bocah amat aktif dan gak takut eksplorasi. terutama eksplorasi oral sih...apa aja dimasukin ke mulut😅. Bohong sih kalau saya bilang saya g makin repot jagain bocah2 ini. But the more fun they bring.

Cheers for more years to come kiddos!! 😘😘

Saturday, April 18, 2015

My Review on Being A Stay At Home Mom

I always knew that I want to be a mom..but being a stay at home mom? The truth is it's never been on top of my priority until I give birth to Sachiko. Who would have guessed that I could change my mind in a zap just because I feel in love with her. But it's not until 2 years after that, when I have her little brother then I become a stay at home mom.

Being a stay at home mom is not always easy. Specially when you don't have a maid or nanny around. You have to learn how to manage your time to do house chores while teaching and playing with your children. And trust me it's never easy. Sometimes you're able to wake up earlier than your kids yet sometimes they decided to wake up shortly after you get up the bed. Not to mention the mess and the constant cleaning up and soothing and chasing. I won't lie, I often miss having chit chat with the grown ups, having a long lunch during the day and even the deadlines HA! Weird isn't it? Yet I have made my decisions and for me it's something that I should be thankful of. Well hey, not all woman are lucky enough to be a stay at home mom right?

On the other side being a stay at home mom means you can watch your babies grow. Not to mention all the hugs and wet kisses during the day and night and therefore I feel grateful. It's hard sometimes but then my babies never asked for me to be a perfect mom. They just want me to be there to watch over them and love them unconditionally. There's still so many days ahead of us and I will embrace all the messiness, stickiness and gooeyness with all my heart and soul. After all it'll gets better :)